A Bohemian Style New Year’s Eve

While many folks were whooping it up to fireworks, eating fancy dinners and drinking lots of champagne on New Year’s Eve 2018, I enjoyed a more down-to-earth celebration. Mother Nature gave Laguna Beach a spectacular sunset light show to which I had front-row seats.

And after the otherworldly sunset (can you see the superhero cloud kitty in the last pic?), I came home to a date with two very charismatic and seriously good-looking guys.

Never mind that my dates were of the furry sort—that made them all the more interesting.

Do you think she’ll notice if I take a sip…?

And I much prefer a hearty red blend over champagne.

And blue jeans and boots to a cocktail dress and stilettos…

Happy New Year!

May 2019 be abundant with all things good, kind and loving.