Bella Brings Unexpected Love

Four years ago, I lost one of my true loves—the love of a furry and tailed kind.   I suppose that all my cats are, and have been true loves, but like certain people, Bella touched me on a soul mate kind of level.Pretty Bella 2

Bella had only been in my life for three years, far from the many years I was expecting to share with her. Over those three years, Bella had worked her way deep into my heart as she opened her guarded soul to me. I adopted her from New Beginnings for Animals and was her third home. When I met her at the PetSmart adoption center, she cautiously came out of her cage and carefully looked up at me.  I knelt down to meet her face to face.  She sniffed my forehead, cheeks and nose, stepped back and sized me up.  The volunteer said that Bella had been there for months, yet never showed interest in anyone, gently urging me to consider this eight year old Persian mix. I had intended to adopt a kitten, but told the volunteer that I would think about Bella. Over the following days, not only did I think about Bella, I could not get her out of my mind. My desire for a kitten was overshadowed by my instant connection with Bella. It seemed that she’d been patiently waiting for me. A week following our introduction, I returned to the adoption center. Bella greeted me again, demonstrated her craze for catnip and I promptly signed adoption papers. This stoic beauty was coming home with me.

Bella and Cat Nip

Bella and Cat Nip

Our initial connection grew into a strongly bonded relationship—bonded with love, trust and a lot of humor. I got such a kick out of her. Bella was a dancer trapped in a cat’s body and I was audience to her burlesque routines. Miss Bella would sashay across the hardwood floor, just beyond the coffee table, in front of the T.V. then stop mid strut as if remembering something important, which lead to a dismissive glance over her shoulder before she strutted off the “stage.”   She appeared to be on her tippy toes, and her rubinesque behind swayed purposefully while her fluffy tail would oscillate in sync with her sassy struts. At the end of each act she ended-up on my lap loudly purring and proudly looking up at me with her big round orange eyes. I could see and feel Bella’s contentment—that sense of finally belonging; finally being loved and adored.

Three Little Kittens

Three Little Kittens

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I still smile when I think about the three years we had together. And four years later, tears still fall when I think of our last day together—Bella snuggling with me, Topper and Lex on my bed for several surreal hours before the vet arrived.IMG_0025

At one point she sat up, stretched and nonchalantly licked her paw, then licked a drop of chamomile tea from my fingertip as if she were perfectly fine. Other than labored breathing and murky eyes she still looked healthy and beautiful. But the cancer had gotten the best of her, and she would have passed on her own within days. I couldn’t bear to see her suffer.


Dr. Sultzer arrived at 2:30 p.m. on April 30, 2012 to help Bella cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. I held her as she peacefully passed with Topper and Lex by her side.

Bella and New Friend 004

In Loving Memory of Miss Bella
June 1, 2001 – April 30, 2012

About CatLadyintheCanyon

Author, passion for animals, Mother Nature, and music.
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13 Responses to Bella Brings Unexpected Love

  1. Jim Knudsen says:

    Pam, very touching. It’s so wonderful to have pets in our life’s. You said it all in your tribute to Bella.

  2. Jan Lynn says:

    I have that kind of relationship with my longhaired calico, Abigail. I love her so much. Where ever I am, she is always close by. She even travels with me. My heart breaks for you & your loss of your dear Bella.

    BTW–I love watching your blog. If anything unexpectly happens to my husband & me, our cats will be going to Bluebell. I love having the chance to get a little bit aquainted with people connected to Bluebell.

    Looking forward to your future kitty blogs.

    • Hi Jan, thank you so much for reading. It warms my heart to hear that you enjoy my stories! And you have a “Bella” in your Abigail; how wonderful. I love that she travels with you. I recommend the book The Cat Who Went to Paris by Peter Gethers, if you have not read it already. I also had a strong and similar connection to an Abigail, who we called Abbey at Blue Bell, who passed last year at age of 22. She was also a Persian mix, but very petite with pastel gray and peach.

      Thank you, again for your support! Best wishes to you and Abigail.

      • Jan Lynn says:

        Thank you for the book recommendation. I will absolutely look on to it. It sounds like a book I will enjoy. Cats are one of my passions & I love reading about them.

        Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow.

  3. Tanya says:

    Very heartwarming and bittersweet Pam. I hope it was therapeutic. XO

  4. Lori denuccio says:

    What a sweet and touching story.

  5. Barbara Kaye-May says:

    Tears – what else can I say. I remember Bella’s sashaying and sweet ways too.

  6. She was so happy here…thank you for reading my story about her! 😉

  7. Charles Huss says:

    My Chris is like your Bella. So sorry you didn’t have more time together.

  8. Thank you, Charles. I feel jipped, but grateful to have had the time I did with her and I’m happy to have given her a long awaited loving home.

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